TSPSC Excise SI Syllabus Model Questions Papers 2024

TSPSC Excise SI Syllabus Model Questions Papers 2024 General Studies and General Abilities Syllabus Paper I Once Verify Each and Every Topic to get Better Score and Excise SI Post )( Current Affairs – Regional )( National & International )( International Relations and Events )( General Science )( Achievements of India in Science and Technology evironmental Issues; Disaster Management- Prevention and Mitigation Strategies )( World Geography )( Geography of India and Geography of Telangana State )( History and Cultural Heritage of India Also )( Culture )( Society )( Arts )( Heritage )( and Literature of Telangana )( Policies of Telangana State Also )( Social Exclusion )( Rights Issues and Inclusive Policies Also )( Reasoning: Analytical Ability and Data Interpretation Also )( Basic English )( (10th Class Standard) )( Therefore )( The Applicants Must Prepare Each and Very Topic Available Here.

TSPSC Excise SI Syllabus Model Questions Papers 2024

टीएसपीएससी एक्साइज एसआई साइलेबस मॉडल प्रश्न पत्र 2024 जनरल स्टडीज और सामान्य क्षमता पाठ्यक्रम पाठ्यक्रम I एक बार बेहतर स्कोर और एक्साइज एसआई पोस्ट प्राप्त करने के लिए प्रत्येक और हर विषय की पुष्टि करें (वर्तमान मामलों – क्षेत्रीय) (राष्ट्रीय और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय) (अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संबंध और घटनाक्रम) (सामान्य विज्ञान (विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी के क्षेत्र में उपलब्धियों की उपलब्धियां, विकास के क्षेत्र में रोकथाम और निवारण रणनीतियाँ) (विश्व भूगोल) (भारत का भूगोल और तेलंगाना राज्य का भूगोल) (इतिहास और सांस्कृतिक विरासत भारत के अलावा) (संस्कृति) (समाज) (कला) (हेरिटेज) (और तेलंगाना के साहित्य) (तेलंगाना राज्य की नीति भी) (सामाजिक बहिष्कार) (राइट्स इश्यू और समेकित नीतियां भी) (तर्क: विश्लेषणात्मक क्षमता और डाटा इंटरप्रिटेशन भी) (मूल अंग्रेजी) ((10 वीं कक्षा मानक) )) (इसलिए) (आवेदकों को प्रत्येक और बहुत ही उपलब्ध विषय तैयार करना चाहिए।
TSPSC Excise SI Syllabus of History) ( Polity & Society(Paper II)
Once Verify Each and Every Topic to get Better Score and Excise SI Post.

A) Socio-Cultural History of India and Telangana
The Silent Features of Indus Valley Civilization )( The Advent of Islam and Establishment of Delhi Sultanate )( The Advent of Europeans )( Socio-Cultural Conditions in Ancient Telangana )( Foundation of AsafJahi Dynasty- From Nizam –Ul- Mulk to Mir Osman Ali Khan Also.

B) Overview of the Indian Constitution and Politics
Evolution of Indian Constitution )( Fundamental Rights )( Distinctive Features of Indian Federalism )( Union and State Governments )( Rural and Urban Governance )( Electoral System )( Judicial System in India )( Indian Constitution Also.

C) Social Structure )( Issues and Public Policies
Indian Social Structure )( Social Issues )( Social Movements )( Telangana Specific Social Issues )( Social Policies and Welfare Programmes Also )( Therefore )( the Applicants Must Prepare Each and Very Topic Available Here

TSPSC Excise SI Syllabus of Economy & Development(Paper III)
Once Verify Each and Every Topic to get Better Score and Excise SI Post.

I) Indian Economy: Issues and Challenges
Growth and Development )( Measures of Economic Growth )( Poverty and Unemployment )( Planning in Indian Economy Also.

II) Economy and Development of Telangana
Telangana Economy in Undivided Andhra Pradesh )( Land Reforms in Telangana )( Agriculture and Allied Sectors )( Industry and Service Sectors Also.

III) Issues of Development and Change
Development Dynamics )( Development and Displacement )( Economic Reforms )( Sustainable Development Also )( Therefore )( The Applicants Must Prepare Each and Very Topic Available Here )( TSPSC Excise SI Syllabus of Telangana Movement & State Formation(Paper IV)Once Verify Each and Every Topic to get Better Score and Excise SI Post.

I) The idea of Telangana
Historical Background )( Hyderabad State in Independent India )( Formation of Andhra Pradesh )( 1956 )( Violation of Employment and Service Rules Also )( Telangana Formation )( PrajaSamithi and Course of Movement.

II) Mobilization phase
Court Judgements on Mulki Rules )( Naxalite Movement Rise and Spread )( Causes and Consequences )( The Rise of Regional Parties in 1980’s )( Liberalisation and Privatisation Policies in 1990’s )( The Quest for Telangana Identity-Intellectual Discussions and Debates Also.

III) Towards Formation of Telangana State
Public Awakening and Intellectual Reaction Against Discrimination )( Establishment of Telangana Rashtra Samithi in 2001 )( The Role of Political Parties )( Cultural Revivalism in Telangana )( Parliamentary Process Also..

TSPSC Excise SI Syllabus Model Questions Papers 2024

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